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Kopie Adela

She sang in a children's choir from a young age and no one would have thought she would go to college
to the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Charles University. It was Bikram yoga that opened her up to these
She flew to the world championship in Beijing, China in
2018 and to her surprise she came 2nd in the junior women's category. 
Becoming a teacher was her dream, so in 2022 she graduated from the first Prague Biginners' Class
Teacher Training.

The most popular positions will be all possible bends. Thus, the crescent bend with the hands at the feet and
Camel position. However, the biggest shift I've seen is in the standing bow position, which I've been doing for many years.
I've struggled with for years.

The least favorite position never stays the same for long. I used to say the triangle position, but over time I've
I've come to understand the exact form and setup, and in turn, this position has become one of my favorites.
I notice the least shift in myself in the knee head position and the stretch position, it's the last two
set position of the whole class and it is difficult for me not to slack off.

Kopie Adela posture
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