Gabi comes from Moravia from an absolutely non-sporting family. After graduating from the law faculty of the Charles University in Prague, she stayed in Prague. A work colleague brought her to the Bikram studio 8 years ago. Classics - she almost died after the first lesson, and she totally didn't understand what others saw in it. Gradually, she started going regularly and although there were a few breaks of a few months, she always returned with humility and found that it was THE ONE. However, a few years later, she decided to leave her managerial position and take a break from work to focus on her family. A few weeks later, Tereza announced that a teachers training would be held in Prague, and without knowing the details, she immediately decided to go for it. The rest is just history.
The most popular position is constantly changing. It's pretty much a rule for me that if I'm not really good at a certain position, I work on it all the more and as soon as it improves, it gains popularity. Now the straddle position leads. Far from perfect in my execution, but I'm seeing a lot of improvement and that's great.
I can't say that I don't really like any position. Every lesson is different. In addition, it is seriously true that the less you like a location, the more you need it. Perhaps I will mention the position of the eagle - we are always fighting, "getting tangled up" is only the first step, but putting everything together is an incredible job. The daily challenge is a bow, sometimes I have a lot of fun, sometimes I get angry at how bad I am, just 50/50.